December 2015

Facebook Page for Take Time For God's Word reaches 20,000 Likes
The mission for Take Time For God's Word is to help Christians grow in their knowledge of the Bible and to develop a habit of remembering key verses throughout their day as they associate those verses with time, activities, events, etc. It is all about keeping God's Word close to our hearts. The posts in Facebook include brief 'verse cards' which can easily be captured on cell phones and mobile devices to help you remember the verse and what it can mean to you. Check it out at ...
Facebook Updates For Quick Verse Reminders
The Facebook page ( is getting frequent updates with verses and reminders to help people remember key verses and to associate them with various times throughout the day. There are now 'cards' in the Photos area for verses 1-12. Follow the suggestions in the "25 Tips and Techniques" download to help make the most of those Facebook posts in guiding and reinforcing your own memory processes. Check it out. Share your feedback/ comments. Click "LIKE" and "SHARE" with others.
Facebook Page has 10,000 "Likes"...
The Take Time For God's Word Facebook page ( reached 10,000 "Likes" this week and I want to THANK everyone who has responded with a LIKE, SHARE, or COMMENT to the materials which are posted there. It is another great way to share the Good News of the Gospel to friends, family and new visitors who come to that site. There are frequent postings there of short verses and 'memory cards' to help keep those verses deep in your heart. Please keep sharing the posts and the verses and the Blessings which God has given to each of you.
25 Tips & Techniques to Connect to key Bible verses
Need help in remembering things? Where's the car keys? What did I eat for breakfast? Where was that verse I just thought about? Well, we probably can't help too much on the first two items BUT we do have some great ideas and suggestions on ways to help you remember key Bible verses...those that are meaningful to you and those which will help you during your challenges in life. There is a bonus document which covers 25 of the best ways that we have found (so far) to help you in learning and remembering key verses. Most will help you leverage the tools that you already have (e.g. smart phones, tablets, laptops, etc.). Others are just great (low-tech) practices which will help to reinforce the verses you are learning and will help you learn some new ones, too. Once you have registered your name and email, this report will be sent to you from Take Time For God's Word. You may be surprised at what you will learn AND some of these Tips & Techniques may be helpful in other activities which you do throughout your day as you are growing in faith and remembering to Take Time For God's Word often. "Bring it to mind, Take it to heart".

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