Be faithful in the wilderness of life!

4:01 Luke “Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,” (NIV)

Most of the last part of Luke 3 is the genealogy of Christ, from Joseph way back to Adam who was created by God. (Now that is WAY better than any DNA or Ancestry tracking service which we have now!) Our verse begins as Jesus is entering the wilderness to fast and pray before He begins His ministry on earth. He has the Spirit within Him, so He is ready for anything… and the devil will try everything in an effort to tempt Him. It is not a sin to be tempted… it is only sin when we give in to the temptation and that we ignore the Word of God. It may seem like you are in the wilderness right now. It is a scary time for us… it is uncertain… it is changing fast… we don’t know when we will ever be back to ‘normal’. That is why we need to pray and to seek His will and guidance in this uncharted territory. He will see us through it all!

Please recommend this verse to close family and friends. Ask if they have ever been in a desert. Ask if they feel they could survive there for more than a few days. Medical personnel have said that the rule of ‘3’ is a good general guideline for our survival… 3 minutes without air… 3 days without water… 3 weeks without food. Yet, we cannot truly live for even a moment without the grace of God… He sustains us through it all. Remember to Take Time For God’s Word© always each day or as you take a drink of water or at 4:01 am or pm. I happened to be awake at 4:01 am today. Then, I did review past verses and took some time to pray for the situation in our world. I prayed for family and friends. After I had turned it all back into God’s hand, I could rest again. He calls us to rest in Him. Like it says in 11:28 Matthew “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (ESV) He will see you through this wilderness and into His promised land… forever!

We again focus our prayers on all of those who have been impacted and devastated by extreme weather-related events like tornados, heavy rains, late season snows, etc. While these seem to take back-seat to the COVID-19 issues, for those impacted, these are horrific times of pain and uncertainty. Support them if you can. Help the organizations that serve these people in their time of great need. Volunteer if you are able. We are the blessing that others are praying for. Go and be that blessing. Pass it on by being prepared with His Spirit within you to face any challenge… even the devil himself… because you have God on your side!

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