Jesus is reaching out to touch you!

5:13 Luke “Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" And immediately the leprosy left him.” (NIV)

‘Social distancing’ is not new… in Jesus day, all the lepers had to do it to prevent the spread of that terrible, devastating disease. People were prohibited from touching a leper. Yet, it didn’t stop Jesus. He touched the man who asked for healing… and he was made well. Jesus still reaches out to touch us… where we are… in whatever condition we are in. He loves us that much. Ask Him to touch your life even now… ask for health and well being. Then, share His blessings with others who need it desperately!

PLEASE forward this verse to anyone who may need it. Ask if they feel comfortable going out, even for groceries. Ask how they feel when passing others in the grocery store aisles. Our behaviors are changing. We are more self aware. We are more cautious. We are distancing ourselves… BUT let us remain close in spirit and in faith. Let us encourage each other to be united in His love. Continue to Take Time For God’s Word© often daily or as you may be shopping for essentials or at 5:13 am or pm. Make this a Task on your phone. Copy in the whole verse. Set it for 5:13 pm each day. When it pops up, read it out loud… read it with your family… think about it and the blessings you have, even now. Offer your thanksgiving to God. Give Him praise for His ongoing, complete love for us!

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the nursing homes and assisted living centers around the country. We pray for the residents, staff, and families of those in isolation in those facilities. This is especially lonely for many. They need our support. They need our contacts. They need our love. Reach out…text, call, email, video chat, even cards and letters… let them know that you pray for them and that you love them. It is important. It shows your genuine love. Be a blessing. Stand firm in the faith. Pass it on to ALL who need to be touched by Jesus love and forgiveness during these trying times!

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