Send in more workers to the harvest!

10:02 Luke “He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”” (NIV)

Jesus knew His time was short. He knew that many more needed to be reached. He sent pairs of followers to go ahead of Him to neighboring villages on the road to Jerusalem. Jesus compared it to a harvest, and He told them to ask God to send even more workers to speak to the hearts of men and women everywhere they went. We also have a harvest in our time and in our places on earth. Let us make the most of the time that we have… and, may it be productive in reaching people with the Gospel message.

Please refer this verse to Christian friends… wherever they are. Ask if they feel prepared to go out and to share the Good News. Ask what one thing may be holding them back. Hear what they say. Then, offer to pray with them and for them. We need to support each other in prayer always. We need to partner with fellow believers to encourage one another toward sharing the Good News. We need to be there for one another when times get tough. Always Take Time For God’s Word© each day or as you see a field with crops planted or at 10:02 am or pm. Set this verse number in your Calendar on your phone for 10:02 am with the title, “The harvest in plentiful…”. When it alerts you to this time and verse, consider what you may have done or said today that would help others to come to know Jesus as their Savior and Friend. Let that sink in for a minute. Then, think of ways that you can share Him with others around you later in the day or when you see them next. We need to be purposeful in our words and actions. We are here to serve others and to help them to see Jesus working in and through us. Don’t delay… today is that day!

We focus our prayers upon all the refugee organizations and refugee placement services around the globe. We focus on Exodus World Services (Park Ridge, IL) for their work in helping to resettle refugee families in communities where there is a support base of churches to help mentor, train, help, encourage, and be there for these refugee family once they are now at home in their new land. The pandemic has impacted their jobs just like millions of other American families. Support them if you can. Volunteer to help if you are able. Many of us had grandparents or great-grandparents who were themselves refugees or immigrants to this country. Let us show others that we are still a welcoming people because of our love for God. Stay blessed. Pass it on to all those who are out in the fields that have yet to know the Good News.

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