
Jesus is the Bread of Life!

4:04 Luke “Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone.’” “ (NIV)

Jesus will face three temptations from Satan while He is in the desert. The first one is hunger. Jesus had fasted for 40 days… so He was extremely hungry. Satan didn’t just bring Him bread… no, Satan wanted Him to change the stones into bread. Jesus quoted from scriptures. Later, Jesus would identify Himself as ‘the Bread of Life’. Physical hunger returns within hours or days. Spiritual hunger can be satisfied by Jesus… and it can last forever.

Do you find favor with God?

2:52 Luke “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man." (NIV)

Jesus grew up with His family and in His community. He grew in wisdom. He continued to learn. He continued to study the scrolls and what the prophets had foretold. We too must continue to grow in wisdom by recalling His Word often!

What do your eyes see each day?

2:30 Luke “For my eyes have seen your salvation,” (NIV)

Jesus was presented to the priest at the temple on the 8th day. He was consecrated to the Lord. The priest, Simeon, was waiting for the day when the promised Messiah would come. He knew that this was that Messiah coming to us as a baby Jesus. Simeon gives praise and glory to God that he is able to witness this arrival of the Savior. Let us also keep our eyes fixed on His Word and on that which is pleasing to God. He is our Salvation from sin and death. It is a gift which we will enjoy… forever!

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